Contact Information

Isabella Pimentel

ISL Intern

Isabella is an intern for the Intercultural Student Life office and has been working closely with the Intercultural Center since 2021. She is a senior with a major in English and Spanish and always looks forward to working with students in the IC.

Pilar Roncoroni

ISL Intern

Pilar is an intern in the Intercultural Center and has worked closely with student organizations in this space since 2020. They are a Senior, majoring in Spanish with a minor in Anthropology/Sociology, and looks forward to creating events with and for students.

Brian T. Dietz, Ph.D.

Associate Dean of Students

Brian has provided support to Intercultural Student Life (ISL) and the Intercultural Center (IC) in several capacities since 2015. He helped establish ISL as a campus department and secured permanent institutional funding for staff and programs. He also worked with student and campus colleagues to envision, build, and later expand the College’s first Intercultural Center (IC).